Wednesday, June 16, 2010

a place to think.

There's a lot of downtime at the laundromat.

You sort your clothes (or just throw them all in one machine, like me), add your detergent, quarters, turn some knobs, and close the lid.

Then you have a while to sit around. Or walk around. Or read the black 'zines thrown about. Or pretend you are on your phone to avoid the annoying bum hovering around dryer #4. Where the hell are his clothes, anyway?

A lot of people are forced to use their local public laundry services, and I'm certain they sit there waiting for their clothes to wash and dry thinking, "What else could I be doing right now?"

My answer: start a blog.

So here's to you, local laundromats. All of you Suds Worlds, and Carnival Coins, and (especially you) unnamed coin-op down the street. Once a week you introduce me to my neighbors. And man. They are fucking weird.

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