I've always loved quarters. Before I had to do my own laundry (and way before I had to stoop low enough to do it at a coin-op), quarters had one--vastly superior--role: video game tokens.
If you were like me, you couldn't get enough of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game, or The Simpsons bash-em-up. Actually, I finally beat that damn game not too long ago. That game was almost solely responsible for my (read: my mom's) diminishing quarters.

I know, Bart. I keep fucking losing. Shut up.
A Brief History of the Quarter
The first quarters were struck in 1796 with only 6,146 produced. The demand for the first quarters wasn't quite as high as my demand to my mom to give me another handful for the claw machine.
Some history stuff happened for about 130 years before the quarter we know and love took shape. In 1932, a new quarter design was struck to commemorate the 200th anniversary of George Washington. The redesign was so popular, it stuck.
Between 1999-2009 the reverse design changed 56 times (each state had it's own commemorative quarter and then the territories--but I didn't know about the latter).
I'm partial to California's quarter. That dude has an epic beard. And that falcon wants to nest in it.
What is the next big trend for the quarter?

I'll never see you again.
Sucks that every time I go to the laundromat I use up 24 of these pretty babies.
you picked two arcade games I played and enjoyed. kudos. though I much preferred x-men to the simpsons, because I didn't watch the simpsons, but boy did I watch x-men.